作者: 龚自珍 清代
- 简介
- 龚自珍(1792年8月22日~1841年9月26日)清代思想家、文学家及改良主义的先驱者。27岁中举人,38岁中进士。曾任内阁中书、宗人府主事和礼部主事等官职。主张革除弊政,抵制外国侵略,曾全力支持林则徐禁除鸦片。48岁辞官南归,次年暴卒于江苏丹阳云阳书院。他的诗文主张“更法”、“改图”,揭露清统治者的腐朽,洋溢着爱国热情,被柳亚子誉为“三百年来第一流”。著有《定庵文集》,留存文章300余篇,诗词近800首,今人辑为《龚自珍全集》。著名诗作《己亥杂诗》共315首。
- 出处
- “一川星斗烂无数”出自清代龚自珍的《己亥杂诗》, 诗句共7个字,诗句拼音为:yī chuān xīng dǒu làn wú shù,诗句平仄:平平平仄仄平仄。
《己亥杂诗》龚自珍 翻译、赏析和诗意
Autumnal heart is like the sea, rising and falling like tides,
The poet compares his emotions in autumn to the vastness and unpredictability of the sea. Just like the ebb and flow of tides, his feelings fluctuate and surge within him.
Only the autumn soul cannot be summoned.
The poet suggests that despite the changeable nature of his emotions, his autumnal spirit remains steadfast and cannot be easily influenced or controlled.
Faintly, the fragrance of tulips lingers in the air,
This line evokes the image of the poet sensing the delicate scent of tulips. The ethereal and elusive nature of the fragrance reflects the poet's longing for beauty and tranquility.
Graceful and exquisite, an ancient jade pendant adorns the waist.
Here, the poet describes the elegance and preciousness of an ancient jade pendant worn around the waist. It symbolizes the poet's appreciation for refined and timeless beauty.
In the cold air, who wields a sword in the northwest?
This line portrays a sense of desolation and mystery, as the poet wonders about the identity of the person wielding a sword in the cold and remote northwest. It hints at a longing for adventure and the unknown.
The sound of flutes fills several places in the southeast.
The poet depicts the enchanting melodies of flutes resonating through the southeast region. It suggests a sense of harmony and tranquility, contrasting with the previous line's imagery of the northwest. The contrast adds depth to the poet's emotional landscape.
Countless stars shimmer along the river,
This line describes the night sky, with numerous stars sparkling and illuminating the river. It conveys a sense of vastness and beauty, symbolizing the infinite possibilities and wonders of the universe.
From the lofty sky, the moon descends upon the treetops.
This final line portrays the moon descending from the sky and resting upon the treetops. It evokes a serene and poetic image, suggesting the beauty and transience of nature.
jǐ hài zá shī
qiū xīn rú hǎi fù rú cháo, wéi yǒu qiū hún bù kě zhāo.
mò mò yù jīn xiāng zài bì, tíng tíng gǔ yù pèi dāng yāo.
qì hán xī běi hé rén jiàn, shēng mǎn dōng nán jǐ chù xiāo.
yī chuān xīng dǒu làn wú shù, cháng tiān yī yuè zhuì lín shāo.
韵脚:(仄韵) 上声七麌 (仄韵) 去声七遇 (仄韵) 入声三觉 * 平仄拼音来自网络,仅供参考;诗句韵脚有多个的时候,对比全诗即可判断。